Photos, Videos, & Publishing

13. Remember "The Rules of The Classroom":
A pesar que las reglas estan en Ingles, no olviden que hay que reforzarlas en Espanol tambien, pero como Ingles es tu primera lengua o lengua materna, este video esta bien que lo veas en Ingles, pero aplicalo en tus clases de Espanol igualmente:

This is the link if you wish to watch it in a separate page:

12. 2014 April 23 - Getting some love messages from my Elementary School students in Arlington ISD

11. 2013 Nov 11 - Teaching US Government in Carter Junior High - Arlington ISD


 10. 2013-May-24 Teaching Spanish in Juan Seguin High School - Arlington ISD.

9. Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Yo soy fanatica de los Texas Rangers, y de los Dallas Cowboys.
I am fan of Texas Rangers & Dallas Cowboys

8. Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Just memoirs of my Master Degree at Texas A&M University - Commerce, online degree.

7. Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

Hi friends, Hola amigos:
Aqui les pongo una jocosa cancion de las vocales para los que desean familiarizarse mas con la pronunciacion de las vocales en una forma divertida, cantando.


If you have problem open it, below I copy the link:
Cancion de las Vocales "A, E, I, O, U"
6. Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The following link will re-direct you to a very interesting topic, "Guidelines to Designing and Active Training Program". Another of my Master Degree project, and I really enjoyed doing it, so I hope you can appreciate and value the content of this information.

Guidelines to Designing an Active Training Program by Rochelle Miller

Thank you,

5. Tuesday, October 23, 2012

This is a very interesting presentation in Voice Thread. The subject is the Net Generation.
I hope you enjoying listening and reading the presentation.

In Defense of the Future "The Net Generation" by Rochelle Miller


4. Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hi, to read about this interesting subject of "Multicultural Teams", just click below the link. This was one of my Master of Science projects. I hope you delighted reading it.

Multicultural Teams: Critical Team Processes and Guidelines by Rochelle Miller


3. The Rules of The Classroom.
A pesar que las reglas estan en Ingles, no olviden que hay que reforzarlas en Espanol tambien, pero como Ingles es tu primera lengua o lengua materna, este video esta bien que lo veas en Ingles, pero aplicalo en tus clases de Espanol igualmente:

This is the link if you wish to watch it in a separate page:

Ms. Miller

2. Monday, April 11, 2011
This video is a great idea to help students in organization skills in college. This is Elle, graduated from College in New York and how she made lots of "A". Organization was her key, like my own experience, and before recording myself talking about this subject, I decide to posted Elle instead.

And this is the link if you can not access the video directly.

Good luck in your college endeavors.

1. Sunday, April 10, 2011
Hola amigos espero disfruten mi nuevo video de fotos de mis exitos escolares.
Hello friends, I hope you enjoy my new video with all my pictures of school success.

Note as reference:
To create this video I paid, in April 2011 through One True Media online company to use the online software and put together my pictures, this company is no longer in business since 2014.