Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 3, 2013
Bloom's Digital Taxonomy and Collaboration Overview
By Rochelle I. Miller, MBA, MS
Hi Cyber friends and colleagues, today I created a Google Document for public view and published. The experience to create this documents has been really enjoyable. I am highly recommend to those that would like to share documents or create their own work, business or education documents to use this application. It is fantastic, since you can travel all over the world and don't need to have with you a UBS, simple safe your documents in Google Doc and with internet access you can review and open your document in files if you want to separated them by topics. How simple is this. Life is good.

The document I wrote is related the topic of Education in a Digital classroom environment by using the Bloom's Taxonomy.

Please, feel free to read about this interesting topic, where the educators and students are engage in a collaborative classroom environment.


Rochelle I. Miller, MBA, MS
Doctoral Degree EdD Candidate at Texas A&M University Commerce

If you would like to open the Link in Google Doc, is Published for Public View in World Wide Web (www):

Perhaps, you can enjoy reading the overview published directly in my blog, please read below.

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy and Collaboration Overview
By Rochelle I. Miller, MBA, MS

Bloom’s Taxonomy represents in essence how we learn or represent the process of learning. In today’s academic environment; the digital and technology play an important role in the live of our students as well as in our life as educators.

The collaboration of both parts educators and teachers must be granted to deliver and receipt the content of the subjects we are intent to teach and the student’s intent to learn.

“Collaboration is included as a separate element as well as some elements being shared.  Collaboration can take many forms (see above) and value of the collaboration can vary hugely. This is often independent of the mechanism used to collaborate. Also collaboration is not an integral part of the learning process for the individual, you don't have to collaborate to learn, but often your learning is enhance by doing so.” (Churches, 2009)

In an interactive classroom environment we persuade the students to collaborate during the learning process. The students are more active and demonstrated highly interest to learn what the educators teach. Is not any longer the boring classroom scheme where the teachers or professors just lecture and the students listening and copy in their notebooks all day long; now, the students are in demanding to be teach in their generational language, the high digital tech language. The educators that didn’t upgrade themselves with training in technology are going to be replaced for new blood capable to teach these tech-net generations.

Figure 1

Reference: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Author: Samantha Penney

“Collaboration is a 21st Century skill of increasing importance and one that is used through out the learning process. In some forms it is an element of Bloom's and in others it is just a mechanism which can be use to facilitate higher order thinking and learning.Collaboration is not a 21st Century Skill; it is a 21st Century Essential.” (Churches, 2009)

Is not enough to be a good teacher or a good professor, is not enough for the net generation in our classroom or virtual classroom to be a great educator; for them is greatest if we can keep them motivated, engage, active, and in collaborative environment in our virtual and physical classrooms where our students can go eager to learn and discover new things by using the technological resources available to teach in our days, in this century.

“If we look at UNESCO's publication “The four pillars of Education, Learning: The Treasure within” Collaboration is a key element of each of the four pillars.
• Learning to know
• Learning to do
• Learning to live together
• Learning to be
( So to prepare our students, our teaching should also model collaboration. Vast arrays of collaborative tools are available; wikis, classroom blogs, collaborative document tools, social networks, learning management systems - Many are available at no cost. If you have not yet tried them, look at:
● wikis – wet paint and wiki spaces
● Classroom blogs – edublogs, classroomblogmeister, blogger
● Collaborative document tools – Google documents, zoho documents, adobe Buzzword
● Social Networks – ning
● learning managements systems – Moodle, Blackboard, Web CT, First Class.
These tools are enablers of collaboration, and therefore enablers of 21st century teaching and learning.” (Churches, 2009)


Churches, Andrew (2009). Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy.
            Retrieved: from

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